Need an Order Form?

We do our best to make sure order forms are delivered to the appropriate contacts before picture day... but the path from A to Z sometimes veers off course. You can click below to download the picture form.  Please send the form with payment enclosed in an envelope with your child to Picture Day so nothing goes missing.

PocketWatchPhoto Order Form

What are your options?

You can E-mail the Order! (or fill out the contact sheet below)

If you order via email you must include the name of your student, the activity, the contact information, and what you wish to order in both the email and in the notes of either the Paypal or Venmo payment.  You can use the form above for reference.

You Can Mail The Form Too!

If your child is unable to bring the form to picture day, you can mail the form to the address below.  Please note, because of the delay, you order may not be sent back with the bulk return of orders.  It will either be delivered to the school office, or your address.

PocketWatchPhoto L.L.C.

51049 225th Ave.

Plainview, MN 55964

Questions? Email


Work: 507.722.2791

Cell: 612.290.1738


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